Most of the time I'm writing, reading, or just generally living.
Sometimes people give me a microphone.
While I am still early on the educational path leading me towards ordination as a Unity minister, I have been serving as a guest speaker at Unity youth retreats and churches since 2007. As I move forward in humility, eagerly growing and learning more everyday, I am honored to share what lessons I have learned (and am learning) thus far.
On this page, you can find information regarding my upcoming talks as well as available dates in case you would like my presence at your event or ministry.
On this page, you can find information regarding my upcoming talks as well as available dates in case you would like my presence at your event or ministry.
Next Scheduled Talk:
"Seeking Divine Order"
August 18th at 9:30 & 11:00AM
Unity of Aliso Viejo, CA
There are many terms and phrases which we use in Unity, without often pausing to consider what exactly we mean by them. To what degree is our use of Divine Order infused with our embedded theology, and just what does Divine Order mean, especially at times of tragedy?
"Seeking Divine Order"
August 18th at 9:30 & 11:00AM
Unity of Aliso Viejo, CA
There are many terms and phrases which we use in Unity, without often pausing to consider what exactly we mean by them. To what degree is our use of Divine Order infused with our embedded theology, and just what does Divine Order mean, especially at times of tragedy?
[95 Argonaut, Suite 100, Aliso Viejo CA | (949) 472-9230 | ]
If you would like an energetic, young spiritual seeker with a passion for speaking to serve your event or ministry, please don't hesitate to contact me via email:
I would be happy to create a custom talk based on any theme, provided I am notified at least four weeks in advance. Otherwise, I can present any of the following talks:
"Finding Utopia" - As co-creators with God, we have the power to re-shape our world every day. If we believe that our youth are our future, then that means we are the present. Best of all, affirmative living doesn't just make an impact on our community, but improves our sense of self-worth and fulfillment. [Brief workshop also follows service]
"Good Enough For God" - Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood (and womanhood) of every one of its members." With media barraging us with messages that say we aren't good enough, it is important to remember we are always good enough for God. Drawing on Lessons in Truth by Emilie Cady, this talk emphasizes our inherent divine and Holy self.
"Confronting Our Stories" - We use affirmations to re-shape our lives, but we are not blank slates. If we are to change our lives, and our world, we must first recognize the false narratives that shape our perception of the world.
"The Human Experience" - New Thought students often say, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience." But just what does that mean for our lives? While exploring the foundations of Unity and the power of affirmative prayer, this talk exposes the limits of our human experience, and why it makes this life even more sacred.
"Rally High" (Teen Only) - Anyone who's been to a couple youth retreats is familiar with the incredible "high" one experiences during and immediately after the retreat. Sadly, we're also familiar with the crash that occurs afterwords. During my Y.O.U. experience, I learned a few simple tricks to keep that high going - tricks that have since changed my life. It is my honor to share them with the new generation of young adults.
I always speak on a love offering basis (pay-what-you-will). Depending on distance, assistance with travel expenses may or may not be necessary.