
The story of my life is not extraordinary.

I am a young man with a passion for speaking and education, both received and given. I am working towards becoming an ordained minister within the religious organization called Unity, which functions more as a spiritual supplement for people with a pre-existent or developing faith than as a religion in and of itself. 

The purpose of my life is to inspire myself and others to live honestly and compassionately while always seeking joy and understanding in all things.

I am on a constant journey to better understand myself and the world; to determine the best possible way to live; to find, if not the right answers, at least the right questions. I know that I have so much more to learn and experience, so many more ways in which to grow, but I also refuse to let that fact stop me from sharing what I do understand, or from creating a place wherein others can join me on this journey.

And so I will speak when given the chance. And when I am not studying, working, or socializing, I will be working on this...whatever this may end up being.

This blog will operate best if it is treated not as some lecture, but a conversation. So please, get involved. Share your reactions, challenge what I have to say. Together, we can grow into something magnificent.